The human being is an organic machine, and inside this complex mechanism happens many thoughts, reactions, internal projections, and status definitions that might build or destroy concepts and meanings of lifetimes in an instant. It is difficult to be a human. Almost all of us, consciously or unconsciously, are afraid to deal with ourselves. And this search for identity and social struggle with the insides, and the projection of it to “the other”, to the “public” space, is the main inspiration for my creational process. The body is a vessel to this lovely chaos called the human mind, human soul. THE BODY, my own body, because I see myself in the works that I do. This acknowledgment brings my work to an undoubtable performative level. But I try to keep the diversities of medias in which I work always very broad, from musical and dance performances, to clothing design, to illustrations, to photography. All those medias are very important for me to keep on reinventing ways of working. And at the same time it helps me to challenge my self in new methods of expression and possible collaborations with other artists. In my practice I look very carefully at different symbols and images of femininity in our history and social dimensions, creating new propositions how to envision gender that could at the same time suggest identification as well as disidentification. I find myself also very interested in bringing together context of how and where I have grown up to connect with context of new cultures, new points of views, resulting in the exposition from constant fluid movements of borders in self recognition processes.